Weddings, Handafstings, Honeymoons
and Special Occasions...
Mead has long been associated with matrimonial rituals.
In medieval times, the bride and groom were given enough mead to last for one full moon (a lunar month). Mead was thought to have aphrodisiac qualities and was given to newlyweds to promote fertility and happiness in the marriage. This practice gave rise to the term 'honeymoon' .
Whilst the tradition of giving newlyweds enough mead to last a month has faded with time, wedding favours remain popular. They have been given to wedding guests in England since the 16th century. Originally they were either trinkets (love knots made of ribbon or lace) or sugar (an expensive and rare gift in those days).
Miniature Bottles
Our 50ml miniatures make
ideal wedding favours.
We can offer personalised labels and gift bags, add chocolates or shot glasses...

Simply Mead...
If you want to continue to tradition of providing the bride and groom with enough mead to last a month...
23 litres of our Traditional Mead

Personalised Gifts
We can offer personalised gifts
for any occasion!
Please contact us on sales@saxnotmeadery
to discuss your requirements.
Our lead time for special orders can be up to 3 months, depending on the quantity as we produce in small batches.